Sunday, November 6, 2011

Ten Today!

Mr. Speck is celebrating his 10th birthday today! Still hirsute and handsome, Mr. Speck keeps a good eye on the backyard while waiting for his birthday dinner. While the celebration last year was spectacular, turning 10 is quite the milestone, so a special dinner of flank steak on the grill awaits Mr. Speck this evening. Happy 10th Birthday Mr. Speck!

{in a serious mood}

{keeping an eye out for squirrels}


  1. Happy Birthday Mr. Speck! He's looking very handsome, and give him a special pet from your old pal (and birthday twin) Joy in Ashland!

  2. Will do, Joy! Thanks for the bday wishes! I think Mr. Speck & Sprocket were rather disappointed with breakfast this morning - no steak - back to the regular kibble.
