Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sights at Sparks ~ Spring 2011

Things have gotten away from me a bit ~ way too much going on, so I have gotten a little behind as far as my postings! It has been several weeks since the Sparks/White Cloud Flea Market, but since I did take photos, I thought I would share them anyway ~ after all, it isn't too late for you to mark your calendar for the September Sparks Flea Market. At any rate, this time around I ended up with an odd mix of images . . .

{initial brooches}

While these brooches are missing most of their stones ~ which were marcasite, I liked the design of pins. You can't tell from the photo, but the initials are removable, so that one could customize with letters of her own choosing.

{boston terrier cross stitch}

{great graphics on a vintage doily stretcher}

{Queen of Scots picnic basket}

I was seriously considering getting this as it would coordinate so nicely with the Kiltie thermos (see photo at end of post) we already have, but my common sense kicked in and I passed it by. Sprocket & Speck don't really need a picnic hamper ~ even though it would make a great prop for a photo shoot!

{Jello shot server ~ great for parties!}

{Interesting graphics on a seed sower}

{One of a kind wagon ~ beautiful decorative trim!}

{Remco's Little Red Spinning Wheel for girls}

This is probably a hard-to-find vintage toy as I can't imagine it was a hot seller! Even in the 60's, there probably weren't too many girls who would be interested in spinning their own yarn ~ especially as the kit only came with one hank of wool! If she had managed to spin the wool into yarn, imagine how disappointed the girl would be with her finished miniature purse or rug or single sock!

{Loved these extra creepy dolls!}

Aside from the interesting items for sale, Sparks always offers other sights you won't find anywhere else . . .

{Recycled school bus turned into a rustic (and patriotic) food truck}

Then, my favorite . . . misspelled handmade signs!

{Sprocket was not amused!}

{A cool sip of water from his Kiltie thermos at the end of a long day!}

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