Monday, April 25, 2011

Antiques in Weston

Traveled to Weston, Missouri this weekend for the Lyons Club Antique Show held at the Weston Tobacco Warehouse. Weston is a small town near Kansas City ~ always a nice visit for the day ~ a variety of specialty shops, interesting buildings and some good places to eat.

The Tobacco Warehouse houses the annual Lyons Club Antique Show ~ always a good excuse to make the trip to Weston. This trip didn't disappoint ~ I always seem to be able to find interesting things ~ none of these made it home with me, but I do have the photos to remind me of what I passed by!

Loved this great metal coat rack, but at $465 and little free space, I couldn't justify spending the money.

Above is a glass sided Burroughs counting machine that was a pretty interesting piece of machinery ~ don't know what I'd do with it, aside from admire the intricacy of the machine.

{beautifully lithographed metal glove clips}

{battered, but still lovely chocolate tin}

Hats, hats and more hats ~ one vendor had a boothful of gorgeous vintage hats of all eras ~ I was seriously tempted to start yet another collection, but I held back! Instead, I took many photos.... here are a few of my favorites:

{love that ribbon millinery decoration on the striped hat}

{feathers galore!}

{pretty woven straw pattern with velvet flowers}

{another version of a straw hat with velvet flowers}

{loved the colors of this bunch of millinery flowers and ribbons}

{cute black hat with berries ~ wish I could pull off wearing one of these!}

{Not a hat, but hat pins!}

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