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The spring Antiques on the Common in Greenwood, MO was several weeks ago. As I have alluded to earlier, the weather can add extra adventure to these outings! This was the case this year as you can see from my shoes ~ too bad I forgot to take a photo of the car ~ it looked much worse than my shoes!
The notice on the website............
As it turned out, it rained heavily early that morning causing all of the mud, but by the time the show opened and for the rest of the day, it was sunny and comfortable. Once you parked and figured out the least muddy trail to the entrance, you were set ~ until it was time to leave. While we didn't get stuck, we did have a harrowing ride down the unpaved road ~ it was similar to driving on ice ~ at one point I was sure we were going to end up sliding into the pond!
Despite the mud, the show did not disappoint ~ here are a few shots...
{beautiful Victorian capelet ~ bad photo though}
{old german grammar book}

{old business book with great illustrations ~ everything you needed for that era ~ shorthand, spencerian penmanship tips, even sign language}

{ great selection of handbuilt houses!}
I wish I had room for a nice collection of these houses, but I had to settle for photos instead! I did purchase the books above and found an especially amazing scrapbook of which I will post about all by itself ~ I took a bunch of photos of the different pages ~ it was my find of the day ~ or maybe the whole season!
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